Old Perth Palo Cortado



Marking our latest limited edition expression is Old Perth Palo Cortado. This sherry type boasts a complex bouquet of aromas and is famed for its crisp and dry nature. Carefully chosen hogsheads were selected to highlight the delicate character of this wine, resulting in a truly unique addition to our limited editions whilst remaining true to our vision of quality, sherry-matured malts.

Palo Cortado sherry resides on the drier end of the sherry spectrum, in contrast to something sweeter such as Pedro Ximénez. This dry sherry variety underpins the fresh and crisp elements that have gracefully passed through the cask and into the whisky, offering a distinctive character to sip and savour.


This exclusive edition has undergone maturation in Palo Cortado sherry casks and is composed of three single malts sourced from some of the most esteemed Speyside distilleries. Bottled at a cask strength of 55.8%, this high-calibre liquid, resting within these exquisite sherry casks, has resulted in a whisky of exceptional quality.

Palo Cortado Cocktails

Whether you enjoy a creamy, decadent drink or a light and refreshing sip, we have both to make sure there is something for everyone. We partnered with the amazing Mike Aikman, co-founder of Mothership, who has Multi-award winning cocktail bars such as Bramble, Lucky Liquor and Last Word Saloon. Below we have included recipes for our Nutini Flip and Peach Melba Hiball.



  • A unique take on the classic whisky hiball. With the addition of Pilot Peach Melba Beer, this makes for a truly sweet and refreshing treat.

  • 50ml Old Perth Palo Cortado

    25ml Lemon Juice

    10ml Vanilla simple syrup

    Dash bitters (optional)

    Top with approx (50-75ml) Pilot Peach Melba Sour

  • Add first 4 ingredients to a shaker.

    Fill with cubed ice, give a quick shake, add to ice-filled hiball glass and top with Pilot Peach Melba Sour.

  • Peach slice/fan



  • I’m sure you’re wondering why this serve is named ‘Paolo Nutini’. The inspiration for this cocktail actually comes from our supply chain manager who was finding it difficult to remember ‘Palo Cortado’ so she started using Paolo Nutini instead, giving us the idea to create a cocktail based on this idea!

  • 40ml Old Perth Palo Cortado

    20ml Kross Brew

    10ml Lucky Kummel

    Dash chilli bitters (optional)

    A whole egg

  • Add all ingredients to a shaker.

    Fill with cubed ice, shake hard, and double strain into a cocktail glass.

  • Toasted pecan nut shavings



Old Perth Palo Cortado is stocked in select retailers across the UK and Europe, to buy a bottle, click the button below


Cask Layers and What They Mean